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Fee Schedule

Assistive technology assessment fee schedule

The NDIS regulates the price of therapy services for participants of the program. EquipAID has aligned all fees in accordance with the NDIS Price Guide. This is subject to change with the NDIS fee schedule.
Initial Intake Session (60 min Service, 30 min Admin)
Individual Therapy Session
Offsite Therapy Session (50 min Service, 10 min Admin)
$192 per hour + Travel
*Travel (Per 30 mins at the hourly rate)
$192 per hour
Report Writing (NDIS REQUESTED)
$192 per hour
Occupational Therapy Assessment (Quote on request)
$192 per hour
Please note: NDIS report writing by negotiation. Please call to discuss options should you require a service not listed. Payment for NDIS funded services listed above will be claimed after the session, or an invoice will be provided.

EquipAID fees for NDIS Assistive Technology assessments include a comprehensive assessment of your needs, goals and equipment objectives.